Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Make it happen!

Sólo basta con imaginar, cerrar los ojos y abrir los cajones guardados, sacar los colores y empezar a pintar,   déjate llevar por la música que el silencio trae, mágica herencia que tenemos, y a veces por no decir siempre dejamos atrás, será hoy el día que la luz brilla dentro de ti, y puedes sentir la energía fluir, imagina los vientos , tocar el agua y levantar los pies del suelo, es algo que suelo hacer cuando me pongo a soñar , tesoros encontré y voy a ellos cada vez que me quedo vacía, esos tesoros que valen más que mil aviones, más que diez mil armas nucleares, más que un millón de dólares, mi tesoro es mi imaginación.

Aprendamos a volar.      Stephanie

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nothing compares to u

Listening to Chris Cornell,  cover nothing compares 2 u, I talk to everyone,  I talk to you, open your eyes and let the love blow the people, like a smile stretch the happiness to fill every lonely heart into a  massive humanity weapon that will protect our world against the darkness.

     Stephanie quotes

Friday, September 18, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Visited by strangers

One Could be an Ángel , maybe is an alien...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thinking like a god

I am a god, I feel like God, I am visible to some and invisible to others, some love me, others want me, some do not know me, and there are others who simply hate me.
This is my life as a god, who tried and do some good others bad, criticize me for believing in change in progress in miracles sometimes do wonders to make things work have faith, and sometimes alone and patiently arrive to happen, I feel like God when silence is everything and shut is worth a thousand words without meaning, when the bark of people just announced hopelessness and loneliness, I feel like God because I transform their cries songs and I get to talk to God, God from God, tell him that in my world there is no way out of this, or you face them all with what you have, or get ready for a war of good against evil and then say "My God! help me !! " It is that if I am God one day everything I can and the other donot or what day it is and just want to close my eyes to see the reality, is to be God is nothing human that we have everything and we believe what we have nothing, or upside down everything we believe we deserve and do nothing, just thinking.
God will understand, because in my world I'm a god I have everything and nothing.

Monday, September 7, 2015

12 days

12 days , the days of the holiday of my vacation,  my disappear,  my moment enhances when I don't think, when I have days floating in time, I can touch them and arrange them my way, 12 days to cry, to live, to smile, to scream and live my life like more people do, loving my lover, loving my heart and telling stories to my mind . Best night ever!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

