Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Numbers rule my world, rule my time

Thursday, November 5, 2015

CHER- I speak

Tired of the music nowadays, ..." if I could turn back time. .."
"Baby I found someone.."  "do you believe. .."
Yes , its Cher,  I just got alive and tone with this mystery woman, who gets younger and younger ever after, but the point is that watching her on the stage and see the show performance it's just speechless,  it's a complete show where each chapter is true connected and simple attach to the audience that they get you to the end....
Oh no the end... yes the end must finish, but Cher is a cycle of harmony that transforms the time into an infinitive moment !!

Mentally ready

Mi mente es el escenario donde se pasean mis pensamientos

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Spiritu Santo visite mi casa

D io s te ama mas que yo, mas que miles, mas que el mundo entero, su amor es infinitamente lleno pleno para todos

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Make it happen!

Sólo basta con imaginar, cerrar los ojos y abrir los cajones guardados, sacar los colores y empezar a pintar,   déjate llevar por la música que el silencio trae, mágica herencia que tenemos, y a veces por no decir siempre dejamos atrás, será hoy el día que la luz brilla dentro de ti, y puedes sentir la energía fluir, imagina los vientos , tocar el agua y levantar los pies del suelo, es algo que suelo hacer cuando me pongo a soñar , tesoros encontré y voy a ellos cada vez que me quedo vacía, esos tesoros que valen más que mil aviones, más que diez mil armas nucleares, más que un millón de dólares, mi tesoro es mi imaginación.

Aprendamos a volar.      Stephanie

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nothing compares to u

Listening to Chris Cornell,  cover nothing compares 2 u, I talk to everyone,  I talk to you, open your eyes and let the love blow the people, like a smile stretch the happiness to fill every lonely heart into a  massive humanity weapon that will protect our world against the darkness.

     Stephanie quotes

Friday, September 18, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Visited by strangers

One Could be an Ángel , maybe is an alien...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thinking like a god

I am a god, I feel like God, I am visible to some and invisible to others, some love me, others want me, some do not know me, and there are others who simply hate me.
This is my life as a god, who tried and do some good others bad, criticize me for believing in change in progress in miracles sometimes do wonders to make things work have faith, and sometimes alone and patiently arrive to happen, I feel like God when silence is everything and shut is worth a thousand words without meaning, when the bark of people just announced hopelessness and loneliness, I feel like God because I transform their cries songs and I get to talk to God, God from God, tell him that in my world there is no way out of this, or you face them all with what you have, or get ready for a war of good against evil and then say "My God! help me !! " It is that if I am God one day everything I can and the other donot or what day it is and just want to close my eyes to see the reality, is to be God is nothing human that we have everything and we believe what we have nothing, or upside down everything we believe we deserve and do nothing, just thinking.
God will understand, because in my world I'm a god I have everything and nothing.

Monday, September 7, 2015

12 days

12 days , the days of the holiday of my vacation,  my disappear,  my moment enhances when I don't think, when I have days floating in time, I can touch them and arrange them my way, 12 days to cry, to live, to smile, to scream and live my life like more people do, loving my lover, loving my heart and telling stories to my mind . Best night ever!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Just thinking

Some people like the shield, some others like to touch and feel.    

Stephanie quotes.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Every time I eat a Tiramisu,  water, pure water turns into my best friend! !!
....No Regrets lol

If you are honest to life , Life will be honest to you.

Sometimes you got to be between the crowd, sometimes you got be between the silence.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

De noche

Tengo al Capitán América en la llaga de mis manos

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Musique brise les barrières du temps et de la distance.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It hurts being transparent

It hurts being transparent so people see and and take what they want

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Salsa de esperas, hora 20 minuto 15

A menudo tengo la sensacion, Que vendran a rescatarnos, nos dejaran libres para correr y atrapar mariposas en el jardin,  en tu Mirada esta la Poesia que Aviva mi lengua, y tu sonrisa es la madre de mis neuronas que afirman que algo Bueno habra entre los dos. Punto aparte es muy lejos, prefiero, guardar las letras y ahorrarme las escenas no vaya ser que con tanta maldad se rompa el hechizo de tu Mirar.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

I'm in a high moment

Por este Amor,  arriesgo, corro, río, Pero este Amor Es libre se mueve como el mar y yo dentro y fuera de de mi como la arena, visitas  mis orillas  y Luego te vas...

How much I love the sea

Blue, blues and blues! Does it sound like a blues?,
rhythm of the sweet night that gives us a miracle , one more to die or live to own the night, it's possible to get into, it is possible to get out??
It's a mind full of ideas, full of tricks, and to, finish, "why we don't eat that peace of cheese with some wine and grapes, oh"! What a night!  Do it just do it! !

Friday, June 12, 2015


It looks like a lie But a little bit of hope can change everything

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Open doors

When is time to say goodbye,  it's time to welcome back new experiences that will bring you back that "forgotten love"

Simple, and emotional

After sinking thoughts into deep silence, I can tell or write that only takes a moment to be, to do, to laugh, to cry , to love, why would I lie? No way, I'm getting closer to receive answers from each moment I lived,  each moment I waited.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In the mood of speak, je ris.

He can't see things that i see, but he can feel what i feel.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015


El amor va mas allá de lo físico es una conexión de dos almas evolucionadas paralelamente que se encuentran en el momento ideal para iniciar un nuevo aprendizaje tanto juntos como separados porque una vez iniciado el acontecimiento de la primera vez o el encuentro, es necesario que surja mas para poder vivir experiencias de amor con mucha emoción racional y espiritual.  


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

«Lejos de ti, Loin de toi, away from you.»

Sonreir como lo hace la luna en cuarto menguante, o decir adios y escapar como un ave que presiente una tormenta, huir como en una guerra , peleando en una batalla de tiburones hambrientos, se.he de venir la oscuridad al cerrar mis ojos, pero no quiero apagar la ilusion de hablar entre sueños, y despertar con el aroma robado de tus besos, eso es cruel pues en mi ha quedado parte de tu piel, en ciertos modos mis pensamientos han viajado mas alla de lo normal para escabullirse atraidos por tu voz, que.seria de mi sin ti, ahora puedo vivir asi   lejos de ti , gracias por tu mirada transmisora de una timida gratitud que solo tu sabes a quien dar parte de tu tiempo, es correr y seguir , descubrir y aprender, escojer y partir a otro viaje lejos de ti.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The reason why im still here

The sensitivity in the real world is able to sustain peace despite this inner strength is fading.

La sensibilité dans le monde réel est fiable pour maintenir la paix MALGRÉ esta force intérieure se estompe.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Le mime, Stephanie

Let me be the mime that makes you smile, so i can draw one in my face after watching you smile. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Design, le corps

don't you, forget about me -
with this lyrics i can go far away from the ceiling and say ... 
Don't you!, forget about me, don't don't don't... baby

Friday, February 27, 2015

Delve, l'esprit

Delve into another depth of my mind, and left this

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Quote of the day, Pour vous de moi...

Do what you can, where you are, with what you
- Teddy Roosevelt

Monday, February 16, 2015

Livin, for love,

Reality, realidad,

Le prince transformé en grenouille

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Je suis very excited about Art!!

I transform this.... into that!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Reflexion de la semaine

music by 
U2-one, lyrics that never die...
From the book " Mange Prie Aime "

...Les gens pensent qu'une âme soeur
est leur association parfaite, et tout le
monde lui court après. En fait, l'âme
soeur, la vraie, est un miroir, c'est la personne
qui te montre tout ce qui t'entrave, qui t'amène
à te contempler toi-même afin que tu puisses
changer des choses dans ta vie.

Chanson de la semaine

Bitter sweet symphony -The Verve

"...i am million different people, i can' t change..."  cause its a bitter sweet symphony ...this life...."

"Es pieds sur terre et la tête dans les étoiles "

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Je suis un papillon, je aime la liberté


Friday, January 16, 2015

Style, men, fun

Just working with some beauty again

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The sun and its dialogues

 Que Serais-je SansToi.

Que seria de mi sin ti, sol, maravilla eterna, estrella de mi corazon, luz q aviva mis sentidos, belleza en todo tu esplendor, asi eres mi sol, vivo para ti, y alumbras para mi, gracias por existir, gracias por estar ahi!

Que serais-je sans toi, le soleil, vous êtes un émerveillement sans âge, la star de mon cœur, vous êtes la lumière qui éveille mes sens, la beauté dans toute votre splendeur, de sorte que vous êtes mon rayon de soleil, vivez pour vous, et vous brillez pour moi, se il vous plaît exister, merci d'être là pour moi!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Anticipate the others, gift or a habit?

When anticipate can help, but sometimes amuses knowing that another can anticipate a fact, and simply do not we pay attention, but as I said, only with the passage of time anticipate things becomes a gift and not a habit that madness know what will happen, I am free when I fall and I can not control my actions to live in the atmosphere of love.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

on s'en fiche? soucier de l'avenir ou le présent?

what i beleive is thats from now on, my skin enjoys every second, every minute, every moment,
that for sure it was gonna happen after the time we dreamed about it, it comes true from a deep desire
we hold for being afraid of the past. the past the one who holds memories and stories, the past who know us from the old coat we wear, now its time to show, to clear and hear the new sound of our hearts , from the soul to the last cell that its alive to tell us that we meant to be together.... forever.. god bless the world and the stars are witness again to see us get lost in the universe, of happiness.


